
The wastes in the produce system

I just watched the video about the wastes in the produce system . The speaker described how the produce system destroyed the environment and wasted the resources. She separated the system into five parts: extraction, production, distribution, consumption and disposal. She mainly emphasized the part of consumption and recognized this part is the main reason which resulted in wasting resources.

I totally agree with the speaker’s opinion and I have the same feeling about the part of consumption. Companies always design many strategies to force us to consume, especially the electronic products and fashion products. For getting the profit as much as they could, they attract and force you to buy it through advertisements and continuing changing the details of the same products.

I think the best way to solve the consumption problems is that governments publicize the facts to people and regulate the companies. However, for their own benefits, governments would impossible be the part of the solution.

1 条评论:

Alyssa R. 说...

I think you're right about consumption - companies make things seem more and more necessary so they can keep selling us things. I also suspect that the quality of some items, especially electronics, is not as good as when my parents were my age. I think it's so we, as consumers, are forced to keep buying more goods.

It would be helpful if you included the name of the author before you refer to her as "she". Then we'll know who "she" is! Also, tell us the name of the website - it will also help us as readers know what you're referring to.